Meet the team
Operations Team

Elizabeth Murphy
Managing Director
A founding Director of Bradford at Night, with over a decade of experience promoting town centres in south and west Yorkshire, and was instrumental in delivering the BID for Wakefield and Harrogate, Elizabeth brings her passion to Bradford.
Elizabeth is a passionate and highly experienced Place Management professional, with a speciality for Evening and Night Time Economy, offering advice, support and mentoring to place managers and place service providers.
Her background is in retail, NTE and BID development and recent work has included supporting Bradford to reestablish Pubwatch and to successfully bid for funding from the Home Office Safer Streets programme.

Tom Walling
Deputy Managing Director
Tom’s unwavering commitment to quality and innovative thinking consistently elevates our projects. His collaborative approach fosters a dynamic work environment, inspiring all our members to reach new heights.
Now tasked with seeing through the organisation’s expansion, championing Bradford at Night through its new strategy of Improve, Invest, and Inspire. With a growing membership network, Tom believes that expanding membership to neighbouring districts to the city and beyond will see the ambition for the organisation fulfilled.
Regarded as one of the organisations more dynamic leaders, Tom is a disruptor who innovates by looking both in and out of the sector, values that are part of Bradford at Nights DNA.
PR & Communications

Simon Pawson
Deputy Managing Director
Simon is Director for Memberships & Partnerships for Bradford at Night, a leading organisation to support and champion the social, cultural, and evening economy for towns and cities in and around the Bradford district.
By sharing best practice across businesses and venues within the sector, Simon demonstrates his passion and enthusiasm for creating safe, vibrant and inclusive destinations by driving forward safety initiatives such as Walksafe, Best Bar None, Active Bystander, Ask for Angela and other crucial training for operators to utilise in and around their daily operations
Partnerships & Memberships

sean Walker
Associate Director - Business Crime
Sector consultants

Sean Ridley
City Centre Safety Lead

John Redding
Anti-social Behaviour Lead
Our board

barry bradley
General Manager, Napoleons Casino

Mits Mistry
Business Owner, Peacock

kevin dean
Business Representative, Tiffin Group

julie monks
Business Manager, Light Cinema

david crossley
General Manager, Midland Hotel

james tinsley
Business Representative, Tiffin Group