Bradford at Night Wins National ATCM Award for Best Social and Community Contribution
Bradford at Night has made its mark nationally at the prestigious ATCM (Association of Town and City Management) by being awarded for ‘Best Social and Community Contribution’. This national accolade recognises the organisation’s exceptional efforts in fostering community spirit, promoting social engagement, and working towards enhancing the vibrancy of Bradford’s social, cultural and evening economy.

Elizabeth Murphy, Managing Director said: “This award is a testament to the hard work and dedication of everyone involved with Bradford at Night, from the committed team to the members network who have supported our work since day one.”
Bradford at Night renewed its membership for ATCM earlier this year. Establishing itself as a ‘Strong and Honest’ voice for Bradford and responding to organisational changes internally, the renewal of Bradford at Night’s ATCM membership became a vital part of the new strategy launched in March this year.
Tom Walling, Deputy Managing Director said: “ We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the judging panel for this recognition and to everyone who has contributed to our success. This award motivates us to continue our mission of making Bradford's night-time economy a model for other towns and cities”
Bradford at Night is an organisation dedicated to improving and promoting the social, cultural and evening economy of Bradford and its districts. Through various programs and partnerships, it strives to create a safe, vibrant, and inclusive environment for everyone to enjoy.
The Association of Town and City Management (ATCM) is a respected organization that supports town and city management initiatives across the UK. The ATCM Awards recognize excellence in various aspects of town and city management, celebrating the achievements of projects and initiatives that make a significant impact on their communities.
Here's a snapshot of our work in less than 12 months:
Hosted Bradford's second Best Bar None awards, awarding 25+ licensed premises accreditation.
50+ businesses participating in Active Bystander Training.
300+ ENTE staff compliant with Ask for Angela, Martyn's Law and Clare's Law.
Continuation of being the world's first ever Walksafe city.
Development of PubWatch - now seeing relevant stakeholders attending monthly meetings.
Introduction of a new team to bring a wealth of expertise into the growth of Bradford at Night.
The first Bradford organisation to be fully endorsed and partnered with the Nighttime Industries Association (NTIA).
12 new members joining our network, with more in the pipeline to join from surrounding districts.
The soft launch of 'Bradford at Night Guardians'.
A stronger partnership with community driven initiatives such as Safer Bradford, New Vision Bradford, West Yorkshire Police and West Yorkshire Combined Authority.
Developed 5+ new partnerships to increase value for money for our members.
Launched 'Yorkshire Business Crime Network' (YBCN) to bring a secure, efficient and effective network to help tackle business crime and anti social behaviour.
Supported 250+ university students on welcome week explore the city's night scene.
Became official primary sponsors of a community led football club.
Strong working relationships with newly appointed District Commanders for the City, Assistant Chief Constable and the newly reelected Deputy Mayor of West Yorkshire.
Notes to Editors
Interviews and images are available on request. For more information, please contact our communications team at